Lily Wei
Mobile: 886 (0) 937.902.348
200 Chung Pei Rd. Chungli, Taoyuan, Taiwan
Ph.D. 2014 Ohio University
School of Interdisciplinary Arts.
Dissertation: "Protest Art and Urban Renewal in Taiwan:
Convivial Combats from 2010 - 2013"
Athens, OH, USA.
M.A. 2004 Nottingham Trent University
School of Art and Design.
Nottingham, UK.
B.A. 2003 Azusa Pacific University
Magma Cum Laude
Department of Art and Design.
Azusa, CA, USA.
2019 CYCU College of Humanities & Education Teaching Excellence Award
2018 Ministry of Science and Technology (Taiwan) Research Grant
2011 The Ohio University Student Enhancement Award
2009-2011 Ministry of Education Taiwan Study Abroad Scholarship
2009-2012 Ohio University Tuition Scholarship
2009 Ohio University Graduate Student Senate Travel Grant
2006-2007 Ohio University Tuition Scholarship
1999-2003 Dean's List. Azusa Pacific University
1999-2003 President's Scholarship. Azusa Pacific University
1999-2001 Concert Band Scholarship. Azusa Pacific University
Wei, Lily. "Art as Protest: Cooking as Resistance: Everyday Life in Taipei's Housing Rights Movement." Lateral Journal, Issue 7.2 (Fall 2018). The Cultural Studies Association.
Wei, Lily. “When Art Meets Ecology: ‘Object’ and ‘Self’ in Taiwan’s Inter-Cultural Learning.“ Journal of General Education, p.35-77.
Wei, Lily. Coediter. 桃李成蹊:桃園文史藝術與社會研究 Tao Li Chun Shi: Studies in Taoyuan’s Literature, History, Arts, and Society. Zhehong: Taoyuan, 2022.
Wei, Lily. “Listening to Toayuan: Landscape Depiction through Soundwalk,“ in
Tao Li Chun Shi: Studies in Taoyuan’s Literature, History, Arts, and Society.
2015 Wei, Lily. “Art as Protest; Cooking as Resistance: Everyday Life in Taiwan's Housing Rights Movement.” Everyday Life in the 21st Century City Conference.
2004 Weeds: Reflective Analysis and Contextual References for the MA in
Fine Art Degree Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, UK.
2022 “(Re)imagining the Arts in the Post-Pandemic Recovery.“ 15th DLSU Arts Congress. De La Salle University-Manila/Online
2022 “Performing Hunger from Taiwan: Images, Objects, and Actions.“ Performance Studies International #27: Hunger Conference. Manila, Philippines/Virtual.
2018 “Interdisciplinary Pedagogy: Conceptual Blending in the Ecological Art +
Indigenous Culture Experience.” Cognitive Futures in the Arts and
Humanities. University of Kent, Canterbury, UK.
2015 "Cooking and Driving as Protest: Art and Urban Renewal in Taiwan,
Convivial Combats from 2010 to 2013." TheASAP/7, The Association
for the Study of the Arts of the Present Conference. Greenville, SC,
2015 "Art as Protest; Cooking as Resistance: Everyday Life in the Housing
Rights Movement of Taipei, Taiwan, 2010 to 2013." The Everyday
Life in the 21st Century City
Conference. Fondazione Romualdo DelBianco, Florence, Italy.
2014 "Cooking at the Front Line: Art, Cooking, and Protest." Retrospective
& Future Visions. Ohio University School of Interdisciplinary Arts 50th
Anniversary Conference. Athens, Ohio, USA.
2012 "Home to Hotel: Participatory Art and Urban Space." MPCA, Midwest
Popular Culture Association Conference. Columbus, Ohio, USA.
2011 "Home, Housing and Participatory Art: From Regional to Global."
Interdisciplinary Arts Graduate Student Conference. Athens, OH, USA.
2010 "Impuesto Poético: Creative Appropriation of Everyday Spaces through
Urban Intervention." The Everyday Life in the Segmented City
Conference. Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco, Florence, Italy.
2010 "The Performing Publics in the Wild Strawberry Student
Movement." PSi, Performance Studies international, Performing
Publics Conference. Toronto, Canada.
2010 "Impuesto Poético: Appropriation of Everyday Life Urban Space
through Participatory Performance." ASTR, The American Society for
Theatre Research Conference, "Embodying Power: Work over Time."
Seattle, Washington, USA.
2008 “Taipei Drift: International Workshop for Art Academies.” School for Art and Culture Exchange, Taipei National University of the Arts. Taipei, Taiwan.
2015 "Art, Politics, Agency." College Art Association Conference. New York
City, USA.
Published Conference Proceedings
2005 Labadie, John. "Native American Rock Art of the Lower Pecos Region:
Chronology and Taxonomy." Translated by Lily Wei. The Exchange of
the Cultural Creative Design of International Indigenous Peoples
Invitation Paper. CYCU. Chung Li, Taiwan. English to Mandarin.
2005 Lasay, Fatima. "Anito at Diwà: A Filipino Archaeology of Self."
Translated by Lily Wei. The Exchange of the Cultural Creative Design
of International Indigenous Peoples Invitation Paper. CYCU. Chung Li,
Taiwan. English to Mandarin.
Additional Works
2005-2006 "Proposal for the Jojo Peak Art Village Project." Submitted by
National Taiwan Museum of Fine Art to Council for Cultural
Affairs, Taiwan. Mandarin to English.
2005 The Perspective of Crossover Design in the Future International
Symposium; International Conference on the Exchange of
Cultural Creative Design of International Indigenous Peoples.
Chung Li, Taiwan. Simultaneous translation, English to Mandarin.
Responsible for full instruction and development of syllabus, class content, assignments, and grading criteria for the following courses:
Chung Yuan Christian University, Chungli, Taiwan
Assistant Professor at the Center for General Education Elective courses taught include the following, class size 30-65:
Art and the City
Taoyuan Through the Arts
Ecological Art
Environmental Art
Street Performance Art
Conversations Between Ecological Engineering and Art
Ohio University. Athens, Ohio. USA
Arts in Context (Fall 09; Spring 10- Spring 12) Teaching Assistant
Art-survey course. Average class size 30 students.
Also assisted in one large lecture course (average class size 100-150 students), lectured on Art and Installation, and led group discussions.
Objects and Events (Winter 09) Teaching Assistant
Art-survey course. Average class size 30 students.
Also assisted in one large lecture course. Responsible for Contemporary Art lecture, group discussions, and grading.
Arts and Society (Fall 06; Spring 07) Teaching Assistant
Full instruction for art survey course, class size 34 students.
Also assisted in one large lecture course (average class size 150). Responsible for Environmental Art lecture, group assignment instructions, and grading.
Art and the Human Spirit (Winter 06) Teaching Assistant
Average class size 30 students.
Taipei National University of the Arts, Taipei, Taiwan
Interdisciplinary Arts Practice (Spring 09) Instructor
Art critique/analysis course for art major students. English instruction. Average class size 20 students.
St. John’s University. Taipei, Taiwan
Art and Everyday Life (Spring 09) Instructor
General education elective, art survey course. Average class size 30 students.
Art and Spirit (Spring 09) Instructor
General education elective, art survey course. Average class size 25 students.
Chung Yuan Christian University. Chung Li, Taiwan
Design Terminologies (Spring 06) Instructor
English instruction course for design major students. Average class size 35 students.
Azusa Pacific University, Azusa, USA
Ceramics I & II (Spring-Fall 02) Teaching Assistant
Demonstrated techniques, making glazes, firing, and general management of the ceramics studio. Average class size 20
“Methodology in Constructing the History of Taoyuan: Local Art, Urban Observation, and Citizen Participation in Art History.” Taoyuan Citizen Learning Through the Arts. May 2022, Taoyuan, Taiwan.
“Art and Spirituality: Van Gogh’s Life and Work.” Professional Lecture Series. North Gate Church, August 2012, Taipei, Taiwan.
“Art and Social Activism: Taiwan and Around the Globe.” Professional Lecture Series. North Gate Church, July 2011, Taipei, Taiwan.
“Environmental Art” Invited Speaker to the course: Life and Death Studies (Dr. Lin Qiyun), National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences. October 2005, Taipei, Taiwan.
“Art and Healing” Invited Speaker to the course: Life and Death Studies (Dr. Lin Qiyun), National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences. November, 2005, Taiwan.
Land Art in the Healing Garden Workshop. Invited Facilitator the course: Life and Death Studies (Dr. Lin Qiyun), National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences. December, 2005, Taipei, Taiwan.
2005-2006 Art Teacher. After School Program, National Yang Ming University.
Taipei, Taiwan.
2005 Instructor. Community Learning Department, Chun Yuan Christian
University. Chung Li, Taiwan.
Responsible for full instruction and development of two course syllabi:
Exploring Nature and Life, and Reading with Children.
2004 Facilitator. Community Links Arts – Playing for Success – the Superhero
Project. University of Nottingham. Nottingham, UK.
Responsible for co-teaching collage and computer graphics to
academically challenged students.
2002 Art Teacher. Art@Azusa. Azusa Pacific University (APU). Azusa, USA.
Taught printmaking to foster children on the APU campus.
2019 Resident Artist for ZOU! Festival. Le Hameau de La Brousse, Sers. France.
Created “Le Mur”, a land art piece in contrast to/as commentary on Trump’s wall and associated policies on the US-Mexico border.
2014 Performance Facilitator and Mural Design.Athens, OH, USA.
In support of Taipei, Taiwan’s Sunflower Student Movement and to increase international awareness, I designed a mural and facilitated a performance art event on the Ohio University campus.
2008 Project Facilitator."Lament for the Death of Civil Rights." Taipei, Taiwan.
Designed and facilitated the Participatory Art event as part of the
Wild Strawberries Student Movement, which rallied for human
rights in Taiwan.
2008 Exhibition Translator and Guide."Weaving Memories."Taipei Fine
Arts Museum. Taipei, Taiwan.
Translated show statement from Mandarin to English. Provided
guided tour to parents for the exhibition thatshowcased their
children's works.
2005 Art Administration. Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts. Taipei, Taiwan.
Worked on the administration team for "2005 Kuandu Heroes
Document: Taiwan Contemporary Art Major
Exhibition."Communicated with artists regarding insurance and
delivery of artworks. Tended opening/reception.
2002 Curator, art show "La Maison de l'Artiste." Azusa Pacific University.
Azusa, USA.
2005-2006 Graphic Designer. Designed the Teachers' Professional Development
Workshops Passport and stamp logo for the Center for Teacher
Education, Chun Yuan Christian University. Chung Li, Taiwan.
2002 Art Editor. Living Rainbow Career Aptitude Test and the Living Rainbow Workshops, developed by Dr. Yeh Jen Lin. National Yang Ming
University, Taipei, Taiwan.
2004 "Let There Be Light." Nottingham Trent University. Nottingham, UK.
2003 "Heart." Azusa Pacific University. Azusa, USA.
2002 "Image." Azusa Pacific University. Azusa, USA.
"Mail Art Show." Azusa Pacific University. Azusa, USA.
2001 "Darling Hall Show II." Azusa Pacific University. Azusa, USA.
2001 "Darling Hall Show I." Azusa Pacific University. Azusa, USA.
2000 "Art at Coffee House." Azusa Pacific University. Azusa, USA.
1999 "Paintings." Morrison Academy. Taichung, Taiwan.
1997 "Art Show –Trio." Dunedin, New Zealand.
2004 "Let There be Light." reviewed in Grapevine. Nottingham, UK.
2002 "Mail Art Show." and "Image." reviewed in The Clause. Azusa, USA.
2003 Film Set.
"Green Season." Director Jesse Dykstra.
Mixed media sculptures used as part of the film set.
2002-2003 Artist's Assistant.
to Kent Butler. Los Angeles, USA.
Assisted in the filming, the photography, and the assembly of printed
canvases for Butler's exhibition, "Reflextion."
2002 Participant, Model.
"Reflexion." Kent Butler. San Bernardino, USA.
Voice recorded a dream narrative. Photographed for the series.
2002 Muralist.
Azusa Pacific University. Azusa, USA.
Designed and painted mural with Annette McCabe for Adams Hall.
The Association for the Study of the Arts of the Present (ASAP)
Performance Studies international (PSi)
The American Society for Theatre Research (ASTR)
College Art Association (CAA)
Midwest Popular Culture Association (MPCA)
National Council on Education fo the Ceramic Arts (NCECA)
Artist, Researcher & Educator