Le Mur
The Wall

Le Hameau de la Brousse in Sers, near Angoulême, France, is run by Michel and LN, who organize the ZOU! Arts Festival. Mika, who is part of the planning and executive team, invited me to participate. And in 2019, I was able to take part in the ZOU! artist residency program. Over a week's time, with the help of my able assistant, Hélèna, we collected vines and branches in the hamlet, drilled holes into the ground, and installed a wall-like structure. Can you find the wall in the photo above?
Le Mur combines land art and political critique. It is an atypical wall that contrasts with ex-US President Trump's policy for a border wall. It also examines related US-Mexico immigration politics. The wall made of vine and branches appears as rhythm and melodies poised on the grass; it exists in harmony with the surrounding environment. On this wall, there are two windows and three doorways, through which animals and people can pass freely, or even go around should they choose to.
While the vine and branches collected from the hamlet gave the work a stronger connection to its site, the incorporation of dried corn husks grown by my uncle and brought over from Taiwan symbolized international collaboration. The materials from Sers and Taichung formed a chorus on the wall, decorating, softening, and enlivening the wall structure. The method combines weaving technique of indigenous groups in Taiwan and intertwining.
At the same time, other resident artists and visitors are invited to collaborate. As they weave plant materials, provided by the artist, into the wall, the participants imbue their own sense of creativity into the work. In addition, the artist wrote a poem in English as an alternative work statement. The poem, in both English and French (Michel's translation), stands beside the wall.
Le Mur / The Wall { 牆 }
{ 牆 } 作品結合大地藝術和政治關懷,創造了一面很不像牆的牆,進一步對照和省視美國川普政府在美墨邊界的築牆政策。作者設計的牆面非聳立堅固,卻如音符與旋律的姿態輕立於草地上,諧和地融入周圍的自然環境。牆上有兩面窗、三道門,人群和動物可自由進出或繞道通往目的地。
作品由助手協助採集駐村藝術基地 Angouleme (安古蘭) 附近 Sers 的 Le Hameau de la Brousse 腹地上的樹枝和藤蔓,增強藝術作品的在地性。為象徵異文化的交流和融合,作者也特別攜帶台灣自家種植,經乾燥的玉米皮赴法國當創作媒材,與當地的植物一起裝飾牆面。此作品創作手法主要採用台灣原住民的編織法加纏繞。
同時,其他駐村藝術家和來賓也被邀請ㄧ同動手建牆,在既有,筆者提供的枝幹骨架中注入個人的創意,富涵參與式藝術的意味。最後,筆者以英文和法文作詩,用詩文代替傳統的作品說明書寫並以立體的形式裝置於{ 牆 } 雕塑作品一旁。