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Mr. Hunger

You’re hungry, they’re starving, there’s a difference


Each member of our group drew a part of a human body to represent issues related to or caused hunger. After everyone is done with their work, we fit every piece of work together to create the one and only Mr. hunger.

Core- Hunger statistics

How many people are hungry in the world?

One in 9 people worldwide go hungry everyday !!!
Globally, about
8.9% of the world’s population

690 million people go to bed on an empty stomach each night. Global Hunger and Malnutrition are the number one risk to health, which is greater than  AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined

Head- Poverty

Most hungry people live in extreme poverty, the largest group of people in extreme poverty is smallholder farmers, they don't have the land to grow enough food to supply themselves with enough to eat year round, and they earn so little income from what they sell that they cannot afford to purchase food from other sources once their own supply runs out. 


Left arm-War and conflict

Hunger is both a cause and effect of war and conflict. Conflict can cause food shortages and severe disruption of economic activities, threatening the means of survival of entire populations. Hunger is both a cause and effect of war and conflict. The warring parties may plunder an enemy’s food supply, deliberately destroying farms, livestock, and other civilian infrastructure. Conflict can cause food shortages and the severe disruption of economic activities, threatening the means of survival of entire populations.


Right arm- Climate change

GLOBAL WARMING did bring more HUNGER !!! This is the greatest environmental challenge the world has ever faced. The poorest developing countries are already experiencing the effects. As more of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide enters the atmosphere, leading to climate change, crops might carry fewer nutrients, like zinc and iron. Evidence suggests that plants grown in the presence of high carbon dioxide levels aren’t as nutritious.


Left leg- Unstable markets

Under stable conditions they can scarcely afford enough food to protect themselves and family members against hunger. Any fluctuation that pushes food prices up creates additional hardship.Any fluctuation that pushes food prices up creates additional hardship. Basic grains such as wheat, rice, and corn make up the largest share of calories among people in developing countries who are hungry. In 2009, prices of these grains spiked and hunger surged for a short time by an additional 50 to 100 million people.

Right leg-
Food Shortages& Waste 

The period leading up to a harvest is known as the "hungry season".

Families cut back on how much they eat and then eventually skip meals altogether. Additionally, up to 40% of food grown in some countries is spoilage due to pests, weather and other factors. Similarly, families with very low incomes tend to run out of money at the end of the month. Families cut back on how much they eat and then eventually skip meals altogether on some days. Another reason for food shortages is that up to 40 percent of food grown in some countries is spoilage.


\ Becoming Mr. Hunger /


Head: Rick / R arm: Debby / L arm: Eric / R leg & Core : Tammy / L leg: Alan 

"You're hungry,  they're starving, there's a difference."

Copyright: Lily Wei & CYCU Environmental Art Course Participants 2022

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